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Partnership fund in Hong Kong


Laxine Group Limited Partnership Fund is a specialised investment fund based in Hong Kong. The fund was established by the founding team of Nebula Investments, with a primary focus on providing strategic funding for Lexing Group in Dubai, for its merger and acquisition plans in the thriving Middle East automotive sector.

The fund aims to raise 10 billion HKD in financing, which is approximately AED 5 billion or $1.27 billion USD. This significant capital injection will enable Lexing Group to make major acquisitions and expand its footprint in the rapidly growing automotive industry.

The fund managers for Laxine Group Limited Partnership Fund are Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia (CLSA) and Gamma Securities Limited, both of whom are renowned for their expertise in investment management. Additionally, King & Wood Mallesons, the largest global law firm in Asia, has been engaged as legal consultant for the fund.

With its experienced management team and substantial financial resources, Laxine Group Limited Partnership Fund is well-positioned to make strategic investments that deliver strong returns for its investors.

A commitment to excellence and innovation

Nebula Investments is taking the automotive industry by storm with its visionary approach to merging leading vehicle rental companies in the region. With the guidance of top accounting firms such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, and Deloitte, the company is working towards creating a new entity that will support the corporate development of these companies.

The new entity will not only expand the existing luxury car business, but also merge similar resources in the market and provide industry chain services, such as sales channels for luxury cars, repairs, used sales, and spare parts. Additionally, the group will upgrade their service platforms, office environment, manpower, and network management to provide unparalleled customer service and improve market image.

Through financing channels in the capital market, the newly formed group will work to reduce financial risks and costs, ensuring the stability and longevity of the business. With a commitment to excellence and a dedication to innovation, Nebula Investments is paving the way for the future of the automotive industry.

Stability in motion

Smarter investment opportunities in the automotive sector